Delicious and Nutritious Keto Smoothie Recipes

Keto Smoothies Image

Are smoothies okay on a keto diet?

While most smoothie recipes and store-bought shakes are loaded with fruit and added sugar, keto smoothies are nutritionally very different.

Rather than a candy bar’s worth of sugar, subsequent energy crash, and/or nap, and more carb cravings, these smoothies will keep your tummy full and your brain alert for hours.

You can thank the healthy fats and a few other key ingredients for these smoothies not kicking you out of ketosis — and maybe even making you a bit healthier.

So to give smoothies the ol’ keto try, I’ll be sharing all the details about what makes the perfect one and 17 different keto smoothie recipes.

You’ll learn:

  • Why (the right) smoothies are smart on keto
  • Keto smoothie ingredient staples
  • Low carb keto green smoothie recipes
  • Breakfast smoothies to jump-start your day
  • Dessert smoothie recipes to combat your sweet cravings

If you’ve been keeping your distance from smoothies on keto, let’s go over some basics about why it’s time to include these in your menu rotation.

Smoothies Need to Become a Staple in Your Keto Meal Plans

If you’re not already a smoothie fan, you should know:

Smoothies are fast and easy to make, so they’re perfect for people with busy lifestyles. Just toss in the ingredients, let the blender combine them all up, and you’ll be sipping pretty in less than five minutes.

You can even have your kids or cooking-challenged roommate invent easy keto smoothies for portable, on-the-go nutrition any time of the day.

They’re nutritional ninjas delivering on all fronts to give your body the healthy fruits, veggies, protein, fiber, and fat it craves and needs.

Smoothies are versatile so once you have the basics down, you can use them:

  • To break your morning fast
  • As a meal replacer
  • Before or after your workouts
  • To sneak in a quick but filling and nutritious snack between meals
  • In place of dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth

They give your digestive system a break since your blender does most of the hard work for you. Sipping on your smoothie instead of chewing all the fruits and veggies the recommended 30 times per bite will seriously help out your digestion[*].

Keto smoothies may be killer for weight loss. When you fuel your body with slow-digesting fiber and nutrition from whole foods and healthy fats, you’ll be less hungry and maintain your low carb intake (which keeps the ketosis train burning fat).

Plus, add protein to your smoothies in the form of collagen powder, nut butters and seeds and you’ll help build and maintain calorie-torching muscle mass too.

But again, all these perks only happen when you use the right ingredients, which is why it’s best to get in the habit of making your own low-carb, sugar-free smoothies yourself.

And for that you’ll need these keto smoothie staples on hand.

6 Must-Have Keto Smoothie Ingredients

Aside from the obvious need of a high-powered blender, you should also stock up on these ingredients so a solid keto smoothie is always in reach.

The good news is these smoothie staples won’t go to waste; you can also use them in tons of keto recipes like low carb desserts, breakfast, and fat bombs.

So here are the essentials of a healthy low-carb keto smoothie:

#1: Liquids to Form a Smooth, Creamy Consistency

Unless you want your smoothie getting stuck in your straw, you’re going to need the right liquid base to keep your drink creamy and delicious.

That’s why the first ingredient you add to your blender should always be a liquid.

If you like a thick smoothie, you can use less liquid or add some avocado to adjust the texture and consistency. Vice versa is also true; the more liquid you use, the thinner your smoothie will be.

You have a few keto-friendly options when it comes to your liquid base:

  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Unsweetened cashew milk
  • Unsweetened coconut milk
  • MCT oil
  • High-fat yogurt
  • Plain filtered waterWhen you go with nut milks, reach for unsweetened varieties or make your own to guarantee no added sugars make their way in your smoothie.From there, you should add a few healthy fats to your blender.

    #2: Healthy Fats to Create a Filling Smoothie

    The more healthy fats you eat on the ketogenic diet, the faster you’ll become fat-adapted.

    Fat adaptation is what helps you create a smoother transition as you switch from using glucose for energy to burning ketones instead.

    This will help you cut down your carb cravings once and for all.

    One of the best ways to up your fat intake without drowning everything in grass-fed butter is to add fats to your smoothies.

    This will turn a basic smoothie into a keto smoothie that keeps you full as opposed to making you hungry 20 minutes later.

    A few all-star keto fats that work really well in smoothies include:

  • Nut Butters (just steer clear of inflammatory peanut butters)
  • Coconut Oil
  • Avocados
  • MCT Oil

Once you have your healthy fat picked out, you can then move on to adding the “star” of most smoothies: the fruit.

#3: Low-Carb Fruit to Keep It Sweet

Most store-bought smoothies and those at your local smoothie bar are packed with fruit containing five times your daily carb intake limit.

From pineapples and bananas to peaches and mangoes, these sweet fruits give traditional smoothies their yummy, aesthetic appeal.

But you and I know they’re just as bad as having several cupcakes worth of sugar.

So to avoid this, only use low-carb fruits in your keto smoothies — and keep portion control in check here.

Berries, for example, are keto-friendly and have a high fiber content, making them ideal for smoothies.

But that’s only when you pay attention to the serving size.

One entire cup of raspberries will cost you roughly 6.7g of net carbs; but a quarter cup comes in at less than 2g (1.675g to be exact) [*].

By practicing portion control, you won’t blow all your carbs for the day on one smoothie and you can safely enjoy the sweet taste of fruit on a ketogenic diet.

The best berries to add to your keto smoothies (in moderation) includes:

  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries

The next two ingredients can help you boost the nutrition of your keto smoothies (without making them taste “healthy”).

#4: Low-Carb Veggies (Which Disappear)

On a low-carb diet, nutrient- and fiber-dense veggies are the name of the game.

Low-carb veggies like these deliver fiber and essential micronutrients like vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immunity, make your skin look flawless, and promote healthy brain and organ function.

Even better news: when you choose the right ones, you won’t even taste them in your smoothie.

Try slowly and gradually adding these low-carb veggies to your smoothies to up their nutrition:

  • Frozen cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • Kale (blend this with your liquid first before introducing other ingredients)
  • Avocado

After blending, avocado smoothies or those made with other veggies have all the

fiber you need without affecting the texture much.

But a word of caution here: don’t go overboard.

Too much fiber at once may cause your regularly scheduled digestion train to turn express unexpectedly. #NoThanks.The next two ingredients take your smoothie nutrition to the next level.

#5: Superfoods to Slay

These smoothie boosters are called superfoods for a reason: their incredible health benefits, despite their small size, add an extra dose of nutritional rocket fuel to your day.

The beauty of using superfoods here is that you may not even taste them, which is great for picky eaters, even though you’ll reap all the rewards of eating them.

It’s literally like getting to drink a milkshake instead of wolfing down a plate of spinach or bottoms-upping a gross wheatgrass shot.

Add these superfoods to your low-carb diet smoothies for maximum healthiness and zero yuck:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Cacao nibs (use sparingly)
  • Spirulina
  • Matcha
  • Chlorella
  • Wheatgrass
  • Pro tip: You can save time by adding a high-quality Micro Greens Powder, which delivers micronutrients extracted from raw fruits and veggies, MCTs, and digestive enzymes in one scoop, instead of all these individual additions.And this final layer of nutrition is what will set your keto smoothies apart from any you’ve made before.

    #6: Supplements to Blast Through Your Day

    On top of everything I’ve mentioned so far, adding supplements can also help you build a better keto smoothie.

    I’ll touch more on these throughout the guide, but for now, here’s a list of my top three must-have supplement picks:

    1. Exogenous Ketones Base
    2. MCT Oil Powder or liquid MCT oil
    3. Grass-Fed Collagen Protein

    Now, if you’re still struggling with a sweet tooth during your transition, or you prefer a sweeter smoothie, you can also add a small amount of this next optional ingredient.

*Optional* Low-Carb, Sugar-Free Sweeteners and Flavors

When you’ve been in ketosis for awhile, your taste buds will change and your cravings for sweets will diminish over time.

Everything slightly sweet will seem really sweet from this point on.

Until this milestone, beginners can always use a little help to make this transition easier without piling on the sugar or carbs thanks to these low-carb, sugar-free options.
These sweeteners are all safe on a ketogenic diet:

And depending on your smoothie preferences and ingredients, you can even experiment with unsweetened flavor additions such as:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Pumpkin pie spice
  • Mint, almond, or vanilla extract

So now that you know how to create a keto smoothie to keep you on track, it’s time to check out all the low-carb recipes I have in store for you.

5 Low-Carb Keto Green Smoothies to Replace Sugar-Filled Alternatives

Green smoothies are the epitome of healthy beverages.

When your body craves the phytonutrients in these bright, veggie-packed gifts from Mother Nature, stick to one of these low carb green smoothies instead of those which may kick you out of ketosis:

#1: Citrus Keto Green Smoothie


If you grew up starting your day with a glass of orange juice, your body may still associate this same burst of sweet citrus with waking up even as you make the keto transition.

So to snag this orange flavor without starting your day on sugar, make this citrus keto green smoothie — which is nothing like your glass of OJ, nutritionally speaking.

Not only does it use our Micro Greens Powder for all those beneficial vitamins, it also calls for MCT oil.

This is a much better energy source to kick off your day and it’s both fast-acting and long-lasting.

MCTs also support brain function and mental clarity.

You can’t say the same for your glass of orange juice.

And if you’re worried about missing out on vitamin C by ditching your OJ, don’t be. This smoothie is loaded with this popular immune-boosting vitamin.

The next smoothie is also part of the same bright-green family.

#2: Low Carb Avocado and Mint Green Keto Smoothie

Using a base of avocado and coconut milk, this low-carb avocado and mint green keto smoothie is delicious, creamy, and filling.

PS: People who regularly eat avocados lower their risk of developing metabolic syndrome by 50%[*].

And that means you’re less likely to be obese, have high blood pressure, or experience trouble with your blood sugar.

The next smoothie also pairs avocado with another ingredient that starts with an “M,” but it’s not mint this time.

#3: Keto Avocado Matcha Smoothie


Matcha is one of those flavors that can take awhile to get used to.

Had I known this keto avocado matcha smoothie was available, I may have been more inclined to give it a few more attempts sooner.

In case you’re not familiar, matcha is simply a supercharged green tea.

Because of this, matcha is renowned for insane health perks like:

So while you’ll be drinking a creamy green smoothie thanks to the avocado and coconut milk combo, you’re really winning by giving your body an incredible nutritional boost.

The next smoothie also shares these traits.

#4: Low-Carb Fiber-Rich Keto Green Smoothie

This low-carb keto green smoothie only clocks in at 3.6g of net carbs, all from fiber-rich, low-glycemic sources, and is sugar-free by way of monk fruit sweetener.

You’ll also find spinach, matcha, and MCT oil in this low-carb recipe so you know you’ll be bounding with energy and feel like a champ after drinking it.

Plus, you can use either unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk, or heavy cream so you have options if you don’t have many ingredients on hand.

The last smoothie in this category is technically not green, but it does contain all the essentials found in greens so it still counts :D.

#5: Micro Greens Matcha Smoothie

Micro Greens Matcha Smoothie

Don’t let the bright purple color fool you.

Despite not being green, this micro greens matcha smoothie contains all those same micronutrients from raw fruits and veggies found in green smoothies — it just happens to turn purple/blue with the addition of frozen blueberries.

This micro greens smoothie also gives you important digestive enzymes, collagen peptides, and insane health perks to tackle your day with ease.

Up next, I’ll share my favorite keto smoothies for starting your day on the right foot.

6 Breakfast Smoothies to Start Your Day Feeling Energized

Whether you’re breaking your morning fast or craving an iced latte or acai bowl, these breakfast keto smoothies will wake you up and keep you going:

#1: Cinnamon Dolce Latte Breakfast Smoothie

Want to combine your morning latte with your AM smoothie?

Our cinnamon dolce latte breakfast smoothie gives you the best of both worlds so you don’t have to choose.

It also highlights the awesome powers of cinnamon, which may help:

  • Fight diseases and slow down the aging process
  • Improve insulin sensitivity, including lowering blood sugar levels
  • Reduce LDL cholesterol (the “bad” kind) and triglycerides

And cinnamon’s not the only ingredient worth noting.

Adding collagen powder and MCT oil in this low-carb recipe to this smoothie beats out any latte because you’ll have protein to feed your muscles on top of energy to speed through your to-do list.

Plus, the addition of chia seeds also makes this keto smoothie extra filling.

But you won’t find any seeds in this next smoothie recipe, even though it’s just as satisfying.

#2:  Delicious Keto Iced Coffee Smoothie

Delicious Keto Iced Coffee Smoothie

A keto iced coffee smoothie tastes like the perfect marriage between cold coffee and a milkshake without being a giant sugar dump.

Using just six ingredients, this recipe will wake up your brain and get your body excited for your AM workout or busy day at the office:

  • ½ cup coffee
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 tablespoons coconut cream
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 scoop Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder in Vanilla
  • 1 ½ cup ice cubes

And if you’re not addicted to coffee but you still want the energy-boosting effects that come with caffeine, this next smoothie won’t disappoint.

#3: Energizing Keto Smoothie

Energizing Keto Smoothie

Need an energy boost but not that crazy about coffee?

This supercharged keto smoothie will make getting out of bed so worth it.

Similar to the last two recipes, pure MCT oil (this time 1 tablespoon in liquid form) takes the lead in this smoothie’s energy department.

But instead of coffee or collagen protein powder, Perfect Keto Nut Butter and maca powder sub in for the winning touchdown.

See, maca root has been studied for its ability to increase your energy, fertility, libido, and memory, so it’s a special addition to your smoothie any time of the day.

Then you add our macadamia and cashew nut butter, which also has MCT oil, and this smoothie is as close to a peanut butter milkshake as it gets, minus the inflammatory effects that come with peanut butter in particular.

The next smoothie shares this deceptively decadent characteristic.

#4: Keto Collagen Chocolate Smoothie

Keto Collagen Chocolate Smoothie

Chocolate for breakfast?

This chocolate collagen keto smoothie says yes.

As another alternative if you’re looking for a breakfast smoothie sans coffee, the filling ingredients in this recipe make it a perfect meal-replacement smoothie for on-the-go eating that’s actually healthy.

Avocado, almond butter, chia seeds, and our chocolate collagen protein powder work their magic to banish tummy rumbles from AM to PM.

And the heavy whipping cream adds that nostalgic milkshake feeling without any artificial ingredients or sugar.

For another chocolate-centric smoothie, check out this next low-carb recipe.

#5: Chocolate Sea Salt Smoothie

Chocolate Sea Salt Smoothie

Did you know exogenous ketones may help your body reach or stay in ketosis faster and better than going at it alone?

Exogenous ketones are the real MVP of this chocolate sea salt smoothie, and they give you a sweet sustained burst of energy as they push your body to switch over to using ketones.

Besides its rich, dark chocolate color, this smoothie hides a few untraditional smoothie ingredients like unsweetened coconut yogurt, tahini, and egg yolks.

Coconut yogurt is packed with antioxidants, probiotics, fiber, and important vitamins and minerals.

Tahini, a paste made from grinding sesame seeds, has also been studied for its positive results lowering bad cholesterol levels and combating oxidative stress in study participants[*].

Plus, egg yolks specifically contain important antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin.

These two both offer protection for your eyes by reducing your risks of cataracts and glaucoma, as well as shielding you from the harmful blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, and computer screens.

What if the thought of chocolate or coffee for breakfast isn’t your cup of tea?

Give this acai smoothie a chance to brighten your day.

#6: Low Carb Acai Almond Butter Smoothie

Low Carb Acai Almond Butter Smoothie

If a decked out acai bowl is what you’re craving, you can enjoy the bright purple berry as a smoothie without kicking yourself out of ketosis.

Unlike those acai bowls with a mountain of fruit (and sugar), you’ll find filling ingredients like avocado, protein powder, almond butter, and MCT oil in this low carb acai almond butter smoothie.

For the same delightful taste you’ll be satisfied and energized, two boasts you can’t make about regular acai bowls.

And just like desserts arrive at the end of your meal, our final set of keto smoothies will beat your sweet tooth cravings so you don’t ruin all your hard work.

6 Dessert Smoothies to Combat Even the Worst Sugar Cravings

These last keto smoothie recipes not only scream dessert on keto, they’re probably the easiest and healthiest kind of dessert you can make:

#1: Creamy Dreamy PB&J Smoothie

Creamy Dreamy PB&J Smoothie

There’s a reason peanut butter and jelly have been going steady for so long: they’re even better together than they are on their own.

While my blood sugar levels don’t regret ditching pb&j sandwiches, there are times when a craving for this flavor combo strikes.

Luckily, this creamy pb&j smoothie lets me scratch that itch guilt-free.

Swapping out sugary peanut butter and jams, you’ll sip on this smoothie’s blend of:

Since this smoothie is so flavorful, you can also sneak in frozen cauliflower, chia seeds, and hemp hearts for an easy way to add more nutrition without altering the flavor.

The next strawberry smoothie on our list also hides healthy ingredients well, making it fantastic for picky eaters and fussy kids.

#2: Strawberry Avocado Keto Smoothie That’s More Like a Milkshake

Strawberry Avocado Keto Smoothie

There are very few times when it’s okay to advocate for strawberry milkshakes.

This is one of those times.

Maya from Wholesome Yum created this strawberry avocado keto smoothie recipe that gives you the same sensation of an old fashioned strawberry milkshake but with a much better nutritional profile.

Using just three wholesome ingredients — frozen strawberries, unsweetened milk, and avocado — plus your sweetener of choice, you’ll be able to enjoy this sweet treat for just over 100 calories, 7g of net carbs, and 4g of sugar (from the strawberries).

While those carb and sugar macros are a little high for keto, it’s a great way to occasionally treat yourself, or even share a serving, so you don’t succumb to a deprivation binge.

The next smoothie is a low-carb recipe that’s literally out of this world.

#3: Keto Smoothie Blueberry Galaxy

Keto Smoothie Blueberry Galaxy

If you want to impress your kids with a galaxy-inspired smoothie that actually uses real ingredients, this recipe is for you.

And if you just want a healthy and delicious blueberry smoothie, the same recipe will also work for you too.

Swirling together coconut milk, blueberries, MCT oil, and whey protein powder combines to give you both essential macro- and micronutrients in every sip.

So not only does this smoothie look and taste good, it’s also good for you.

The next three smoothie recipes are a little more indulgent and less fruity than these last two.

#4: Chocolate Fat Bomb Smoothie

Chocolate Fat Bomb Smoothie

It’s no surprise I love fat bombs.

My only gripe is how small they are. I get they’re made for portion control, but I still can’t help feeling like all the fun disappears in just a few bites.

While I haven’t confirmed this, I’m fairly certain the team at Have Butter Will Travel feels the same way, which may have led them to create their chocolate fat bomb smoothie using our chocolate collagen.

This stellar smoothie calls for frozen avocado, collagen protein, cacao powder, almond milk, and ice, which is pretty close to what you’ll find in a fat bomb recipe, minus the last two ingredients.

So now you can savor your fat bombs slower and still score just as much nutrition.

And by going with grass-fed collagen, you’ll also support your bone, joint, and skin health and even improve the lining of your gut.

Our final two smoothies (boo!) will leave you with that yummy mint tingle in your mouth.

#5: Keto Mint Chocolate Matcha Shake with MCT Oil

Keto Mint Chocolate Matcha Shake with MCT Oil

If you think there’s no better treat than mint chocolate chip ice cream, meet the mint chocolate keto smoothie recipe you’ll have on heavy rotation.

While you may be able to find a store-bought low-carb mint ice cream, you won’t find one that sneaks in both matcha and MCT oil on the shelves.

The nutritional boost from energizing MCTs and the antioxidants in matcha make this smoothie a standout.

And we even have a smoothie to replace a popular seasonal restaurant-version — and this one you can enjoy all year round.

#6: Keto Dairy Free Shamrock Shake

Keto Dairy Free Shamrock Shake

Every March, McDonald’s marketing efforts bring us the Shamrock shake, a bright green milkshake that sadly does not come with leprechauns or a pot of gold.

What it does come with is[*]:

  • 460 calories
  • 13g of fat
  • 74g of carbs
  • 10g of protein
  • 63g of sugar

McDonalds Shamrock Shake Nutrition

And that’s just for a small size!

On the other hand, this keto dairy-free Shamrock shake recipe clocks in at:

  • 259 calories
  • 14g of fat
  • 26g of protein
  • 2g of net carbs

You also won’t find any sugar, fake artificial flavors and syrups, or reduced fat ice cream in this healthy recipe either because it uses:

And it’s topped with coconut whipped cream and stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips(!).

So go ahead and try this Shamrock shake any time of the year, I promise not to tell anyone.

Now Pick One Keto Smoothie To Try Today

Which keto smoothie made you drool the most?

Since you know low-carb keto smoothies not only exist, but are also bursting with flavor and nutrition, it’s time you include them in your weekly menu planning starting today.

From keto breakfast to snacks, low carb smoothies like these are quick, filling, and help you fight sweet cravings so the transition to a keto diet is somewhat easier.

So share, save, and pin this page so you can always refer back to it and have a list of keto smoothie options ready to go.

Original post HERE at Perfect Keto dot com

Fact-checked by Dr. Anthony Gustin, DC, MS.

Written by Devan Ciccarelli

Reposted by permission.

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