Keto Secret Weapon Number 3 – Chocolate Whipped Cream

Keto Chocolate Whipped Cream Mousse

This simple recipe for chocolate whipped cream saved my life (well, not literally…but kinda!) the first time I followed a low-carb diet!

It was W-A-Y back in 1982 when I was only 20 years old. My husband (at the time) was in the U.S. Army and had just been deployed to Germany. Our two-year-old son and I had not been approved for an accompanied tour (yet) so, we moved ‘back home’ to Utah while we waited for orders to be approved so that we could join our service member overseas.

I’m 5ft. 9in. tall and weighed 153 pounds at the time. Which, now, is actually a pretty ideal weight for me. But back then I thought I was horribly overweight. I discovered the Atkins Diet by reading Dr. Atkin’s Diet Revolution book and was determined to lose the excess pounds. So, I went on the diet and was religious about it! In his original book, Dr. Atkins says you can have heavy whipping cream every day, but, if I remember correctly, there was a limit of only 4 tablespoons daily. That includes use in coffee, as creamer, as well as for other purposes.


My favorite sweet treat, during that time, was Sweet n’ Low sweetened chocolate whipped cream. And it really helped me curb my sweet tooth. That, sugar-free Jell-O (from a box), and diet soda. Those were the only sweets I allowed myself while I was on that diet.

And I lost 30 pounds in 3 months on that program.

This recipe, below, incorporates Perfect Keto Chocolate Collagen for an awesome nutritional BOOST, instead of using plain baking cocoa powder, which is fantastic! You can even use code ENDOFSUMMERB2G1 right now to get 1 free product when you buy 2!

But if you don’t have any keto collagen, you can use baker’s cocoa, instead, with pretty good results.


Here are some recipes for KETO SMOOTHIES to satisfy your summer sweet tooth.

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