Review of High Falutin’ Low Carb’s Low Carb Beef Empanada Battle Video

Best Keto Beef Empanadas Recipe

A Low Carb Empanada?

Ok, you guys! I can’t tell you exactly why, but this beef empanada video is the first recipe battle Wes has done where his reaction made me visit both creator’s websites to grab their recipes!

Not only do I think these look mouthwatering, but I know Jeff would love them, too! And that’s a huge WIN for me! Whenever I can make a meal that we can both enjoy? That’s awesome! But empanadas? Come on…I’ve never even made them before! Not one time in my entire life. However, one of my best girlfriends in high school had a mom who was from Argentina. And I was lucky enough to be at their house on more than one occasion when she was making empanadas. And boy! Were they a treat!

I honestly don’t know if Jeff has ever even eaten an empanada before. He certainly wouldn’t want the traditional version my friend’s mom made that included raisins in the beef filling mixture. He is NOT a fan of cooked raisins! However, he does love foods like Hot Pockets, Pop Tarts, and other filled pastries. So, this video battle really caught my attention!

Wes’s reviews are always so entertaining to watch because he has such a dynamic personality! I just adore him! I can tell he tries to be very neutral and unbiased as he is making the recipes. But his review had me definitely wanting to try one of those beef empanada recipes far more than the other one! I won’t spoil the surprise for you! You’ll have to watch the video yourself to find out his reactions!

Gnom-Gnom's Keto Beef Empanadas
(Suuuper Flaky) Keto Empanadas by Paola van der Hulst of Gnom-Gnom

The first recipe he makes is by Paola van der Hulst of Gnom-Gnom dot com. He is whipping up her recipe for (Suuuper Flaky) Keto Empanadas gluten free & grain free. I encourage you to click the link and review her recipe for your self.

Keto Empanadas
Keto Empanadas by Vered Deleeuw of Healthy Recipe Blogs

That recipe is going up against Keto Empanadas by Vered Deleeuw of Healthy Recipe Blogs. Vered uses a Fathead dough for her crust and is a formidable opponent for Paola’s recipe!

I Definitely Have An Empanada Opinion!

I almost have all the ingredients in the house RIGHT NOW! But, unfortunately, I’m missing one crucial item. So, I’m going to have to wait to make these for myself. But when I do I’ll absolutely report back on my experience!

Helpful Tip

Reading through the comments Wes’s viewers left on that video, one person shared an ideal that I thought was brilliant! Instead of rolling the dough out and hand cutting, like Wes does in the video, it might be worth investing in a Tortilla Press! That way, all you need to do is place two sheets of plastic wrap (or one large enough to fold in half) and place a ball of dough between them. Then just press! And voila! Easy peasy! I think I’ll use a Digital Scale to make sure that each of my balls of dough result in consistently sized rounds.

Then just fill and pinch the edges, as Wes does with the rest of his preparation.

Anyhow, if you liked this review of Wes’s video, then I’m sure you’ll like This Keto Chili Cook-Off Review!


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